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Agencies, Distributorship & Franchising

We believe in specialization even in allocating work activities to our law firm staff members comprising cadre of enthusiastic young people with varying experience supported by highly qualified senior lawyers, legal advisors and law professors specialized in all legal fields.

Agencies, Distributorship & Franchising

Meshari Al Osaimi has a long experience in handling agency, distributorship and franchising matters. We represent principals as well as agents, the distributing parties and the franchisees.

We advise our clients in the negotiation and legal drafting of the relevant contractual documents, and handle registration of contracts and agreements with the proper authorities. We advise on the selection of the most suitable franchising method, the strategic and contractual issues involved, and the development of plans for business growth.

We review and prepare all necessary documents and agreements for clients interested in establishing or owning and investing in franchises, agencies and distributorships. It is our aim to always find the best possible solution for our clients looking to expand into new territories and markets.